Resin Sale !

All model horse resins and animals are 40 to fifty percent off listed price. All sales are final. This work is not 3D printed, the are a resin cast by the artist.


Artist Resin Horses

 2023. Sprinkles the fail and Cinnamon the mare. 1:9 scale mini horse resin Can be shown in perforamce classes and is halter friendly.

Prices are for Cinnamon:

Raw: $35 (this means no cleaning is done once it comes out of the mold. YOU do all the cleaning of seams, etc)

Primed: $55


Sprinkles is priced at:

Raw: $70 (raw means not cleaned up when it comes out of the mold)

Primed: $55


NEW for 2023

"Toffee" is a 1:9 scale miniature horse. gelding. Performance friendly mane and forelock. Endless color possibilities.


Raw: $35 (Raw means YOU do all the clean up)

Primed: $55



"Toffee" 1:9 scale miniature horse gelding in darkl bay. 


"Cinnamon" 1:9 scale miniature horse mare in sorrel tobiano. 




"Springles" 1;9 scale miniature foal painted to a chesnut overo. 




"Sprinkles 1:9 scale miniature foal painted to a silver dapple overo $90

"Tiki" leaping foal. Painted to a bay tobiano.


"Itchy" 1:32 scale scratching foal resin. Painted to a black and white tobiano.


"Itchy" 1:32 scale scrathing foal. Painted to a dark bay.


#83 Eshe

1:9 scale walking broodmare

In production


Raw: $375

Painted: $ 450 and up

#87 - Amisha. 1:12  half rearing Marwari mare. 

In production.

Prices: Raw, $40  


#89 Red Fox 

1:9 Scale lying down on right side filly. Legs crossed, head down sleeping.

End of mold, on;ly one painted piece remaining.

#89 Red Fox foal painted to a red roan blanket appaloosa. 


Last of the edition.


#99 Seamus 1:24 scale  feather draft/Gypsy stallion.  

In production.  


Blaine and white Tobiano $135  

#100 Kit Fox

1:24 Scale Lying down filly

Smaller scale of Red Fox, #89


Raw: $50


#108 Somali

4 1/2 tall standing wild Somali Ass mare. Currently in productions.  $59

#121 Tor


Size is r1:24 trotting Fjord Stallion.  Picure is of the orginal sculture.  Tor is now being cast.

Price: Raw $65

#122 Introducing Tor's companion, "Inger".  Inger is 1:24  scale.

In production

 Price: Raw $95


Here is Tor and Inger's foal LEIF.  Leif is larger LB sized Fjord Foal.  Picture is of the original sculpture.  

Now taking orders for November delivery!

Prices: Raw, $60

Custom Resin


SM sized Hippogriff painted tan and yellow.



Custom Resin


SM sized Hippogriff painted to a  blue sparkle.


Custom Resin


SM sized Hippogriff

painted black and purple. 



These horses originate from an original sculpture and are then cast by the artist, Candace Liddy.  Candace creates her own molds from a two part rubber material.  Each piece is carefully inspected for any flaws or mold imperfections.




Ter Na Nog


LB sized Thoroughgred Stallion

Running with all four feet off the ground.  Comes with supporting peg and base. Edition of 50 pieces


Price - 

Raw: $60

Dark Chesnut $85

#131 Tiki


 TD sized foal that can be just about any breed.  Shown here painted in baby bay.


Price - 

Raw $140

Painted: $210 and up



Thoroughbred Stallion


1:9 Scale modeled after multiple graded stakes winner Come Summer

Raw Cast: $400

Painted as 2018 Kentucky Derby winner Justify

Portrait of Come Summer - SOLD

#96 Mama Mia -1:9 scale donkey jenny, walking.  Raw: $200 or Painted: $$275 and up.

Mama's ears can be placed upright or flat out, as pictures.  This can be done at time of production.  Just ask the artist.

#105 - Cocolona - Resin foal, 5" tall, shetland pony filly standing.  This one is painted black and white tobiano.

Priced at $115

The below painted resins may be available, inquire with Candace if interested.

#69 Cocolona painted in Chesnut Tobiano is NEWLY painted and available.


  #105 is painted in a pale chesnut/palomino solid. $85

#103 Miss Sassafrass - 1:9 scale loping mare.  Special run limtied and not to exceed twenty.  Each piece will be numbered..  


Pictured here is a sorrel paint stock mare $260

:Silver Bay $260

#100 Kit Fox - Approximately 1:12 scale mini version of resin Red Fox.  



Raw $ 140

















#104 - Mandarb - Galloping Friesian stallion.  Raw $75

##79 Eshe.  TD sized Arabian brood mare, walking.

In production.  Raw, $150.

#88 - Locked and Loaded. LB scale Molly mule kicking.  In production.

Prices: Raw, $80. Painted, $175 and up.

#81 - Minx TD scale standing stock filly, head down.  SOLD OUT


#82 - OJ, TD cat to go with Minx.  In production. Prices: Raw, $50.  Painted, $100 and up.

Restorations and commissions are not offered at this time.

Updated 2/9/2025


 Thank you  for stopping by!


Candace Liddy Bronzes
4250 Kings Point Rd
Excelsior MN, 55331

Phone: 952 472-3025 952 472-3025




Visa, Mastercard and Paypal accepted






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